klimaVest: Luftaufnahme des Windparks Kuuronkallio im Sonnenlicht

Our wind farm in Finland Kuuronkallio

03.03.2022 3 Reading Time

klimaVest: Redakteur Christian
Christian Hennighausen

Finland is known for indestructible Nokia telephones, a propensity for metal bands and saunas. Soon, the nation with around 5.5 million inhabitants could also be famous for being the first industrial country to be CO₂-neutral by 2035. Among other things, the country relies on wind energy for this transformation.

69,607 households, 41,435 tonnes of CO₂ avoidance and 14 wind turbines 

The Finnish Kuuronallio wind farm from the klimaVest portfolio is located in the municipality of Kannus, about 500 kilometres northwest of the capital of Helsinki. The 14 wind turbines have the potential to supply 69,607 German households with green electricity every year. This is roughly equivalent to the number of households in the city of Ulm. Up to 50,000 tonnes of CO₂ can be avoided through sustainable electricity production. It would take almost 4 million beech trees to capture the same level of CO₂ over a much larger area. Please refer to the product brochure for further details.

CO₂ neutral

This term is increasingly used as a guideline for company and country targets and is intended to express that the activities of a product, company or country do not generate any emissions. If this is not the case, natural sinks such as trees or rewetted bog soils can be used to compensate. Therefore, if a company generates 50,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year, it would have to plant 4 million beech trees, for example, in order to be CO₂ neutral on the balance sheet. To define terms such as net zero CO₂ emissions, our experts recommend the glossary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


  • 216.2 GWh p.a. expected energy production
  • 14 wind farms with 58.8 MW total rated power
  • 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA)1
  • 69,607 households supplied with green electricity per year³
  • 41,435 t CO₂ avoidance per year²
  • 11,049 football pitches⁴ correspond to the CO₂ binding capacity of a correspondingly large area with 3,314,828 beech trees⁵
  technische Daten zu einem Windrad im Kuuronkallio Windpark. Der
  Rotordurchmesser beträgt 150 Meter, die durchschnittliche Windgeschwindigkeit
  circa 7,3 Meter in der Sekunde bei einer Nabenhöhe von 155 Meter.

Windrad aus Vogelperspektive mit Nebel


Invest in the full potential of unlimited resources - with klimaVest, the fund for renewable energy. 

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¹ Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are long-term electricity purchase agreements between a producer of electricity and a purchaser of electricity. 
² Calculated assuming that the plants generate and feed electricity in accordance with technical expertise and the methodology of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (https://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am-tool-07-v7.0.pdf); Prevention factors of the international financial institutions (https://unfccc.int/climate-action/sectoral-engagement/ifis-harmonisation-of-standards-for-ghg-accounting/ifi-twg-list-of-methodologies) and the upstream emissions of the Federal Environment Agency (https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/1410/publikationen/2019-11-07_cc-37-2019_emissionsbilanz-erneuerbarer-energien_2018.pdf). 
³ Calculated on the basis of data from the Federal Statistical Office on the assumption that a German household consumes 3,113 kWh per year (as at 06/2021, reference year 2018).   
⁴ Calculated assuming that a football pitch can hold approx. 300 trees. 
⁵ Calculated on the basis of data from the Bavarian State Institute for Forestry (Leaflet 27) with the following assumptions for an average beech tree: 80 years growing period, 23 m high and 30 cm trunk diameter, which binds 1,000 kg of CO₂ over its life cycle.