klimaVest The fund for renewable energy

Invest in the energy transition now and buy klimaVest via FondsDISCOUNT.de at exclusive special conditions.

Windrad aus Vogelperspektive mit Nebel


klimaVest is an investment fund that makes the limitless potential of renewable resources available to private investors − all in a single investment.
By selling the electricity generated via purchase agreements, which often span many years, the fund is designed to generate stable returns in the long term, independent of the stock market.
The target return is 3.5 – 4.5% p. a.²: Part of the return is distributed, and part remains in the fund, increasing the unit value.
One investment, 37 wind & solar farms, 7 solar project developments, the opportunity for unlimited resources – that is klimaVest

Fund launch
Type of fund
European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF)
€ 115,06
Price/current issue price¹³ (updated daily)
€ 109,58
Price/Current redemption price¹³ (updated daily)
3.8 %
Performance (31/01/24 - 31/01/25)²
€ 1.5 billion
fund volume (updated daily)
1 of 7⁴
Risk class

Fund fact sheet - German Version


Product brochure - German Version


The strengths of klimaVest

Icon, dass Windräder und ein Solarpanel zeigt und für eine zukunftsstarke Assetklasse steht

Future-proof asset class

The energy transition is becoming a reality: we are shaping the energy supply of tomorrow now.
With klimaVest, you can expand your portfolio with 37 wind farms and solar parks and 7 solar project developments across Europe – with just one investment.

Icon, dass einen PC mit einem Graphen zeigt und die börsentägliche Stabilität symbolisiert

Stock market-independent stability

As physical assets, the assets of klimaVest have material intrinsic value and generate their own cash flows. As a result, the fund remains largely independent of the fluctuations typical of the stock market. At the same time, klimaVest offers you redemption of your units on any trading day – up to 500,000 euros without a notice period or minimum holding period.

Icon, dass eine Europakarte mit Wind- und Solarparks zeigt und die europaweite Diversifikation symbolisiert

Broad diversification

44 assets in 6 EU countries, distributed across various energy sources and usage types such as solar power and on/offshore wind farms.
klimaVest intends to expand its portfolio in the long term by adding further target sectors – from e-mobility and gas transport and distribution to energy storage.

klimaVest: Windpark in den Wolken.


klimaVest at special conditions via FondsDISCOUNT.de

Buy klimaVest now via FondsDISCOUNT.de at exclusive special conditions.

¹ Current redemption price (excluding initial charge). The issue price always includes the klimaVest sales partner's initial charge.
² Calculated using the BVI method (excluding initial charge, distributions reinvested immediately.). Past performance and target return statements and planned profit distributions are not indicative of future returns.
The number of investors is based on information provided by third parties.